Surrey Hills Sanctuary (SHS) is a 501(c)3 non-profit micro-farm sanctuary and education center located in the Hudson Valley, New York. SHS is dedicated to educating the public about the healing power of the human-animal bond. It was founded in 2013 founded by Dr. Katherine Compitus, a clinical social worker and world expert in applied anthrozoology.
Surrey Hills Sanctuary is not a rescue organization or animal shelter, we are an education center. Our animals arrive at our door only via referral from veterinarians, shelters and wildlife rehabilitators. The sanctuary provides a home for senior animals or those with special medical needs, many of whom have been discarded or unloved. SHS is often their last chance to live our their lives in a safe and loving environment. (The animals here are permanent residents and are not available for adoption.) SHS is an alternative to euthanasia for most of these animals. We provide them with the love, attention, care and enrichment that will enable them to live fulfilling lives, despite their physical limitations or age.
Visits to SHS are available by appointment only. Educational resources are available on our website. Surrey Hills does not accept animals from the public. Please contact your local animal rescue group if you have an animal that you need to rehome!
All donations are tax-deductible as a charitable contribution!

Making A Difference


"Never, never be afraid to do what’s right,
especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake."
Martin Luther King Jr.